Friday, August 31, 2007

Proust in Unlikely Places

The Montgomery Advertiser has this to say about Proust:
RAVE: For the donation by William C. Carter of valuable material on the French author Marcel Proust to the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Carter, who teaches at UAB, is a renowned Proust scholar and author of what is widely regarded as the definitive biography of the writer. His donation will make UAB the home of one of the world's leading collections of Proust materials.

Will Proust scholars trek to the University of Alabama at Birmingham? Probably. Will someone go to Birmingham, England by mistake? Undoubtedly. One finds Proust and Proust references in unlikely places. Even here, in Foxborough.

I am thinking about changing this blog to the new blogger format.
Today, Friday, is cat blog day, however the cats have not behaved in a blog-worthy manner all week, having been quiet and even sedate. Annie has learned to flick her head to dislodge the hairball medicine that I put on her nose. Whatchagonnado?

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