Thursday, June 11, 2009

Would Proust Use a Montblanc fountain pen?

Can't you just see Marcel in a jumble of bedclothes, wearing a quilted dark satin robe with sheets of writing paper littering the bed, and a few cups with a half inch each of a tisane cluttering the night stand? The dark hair, the intense eyes, the pen flashing in a furious scribble. And ink stains. Yes, there would have to be ink stains.

No MAC or PC in sight. How would someone with the sensibilities of Proust write nowadays? Still with pen and ink? Some do, you know. Why do I think Proust wouldn't be technical? Would be have a techno-mentor? I can't even see him driving a car. Would a cell phone be too confusing? Or would he be texting constantly?

Proust in our so-called modern era? Would he . . . . have a kindle? What do you think?

Michael Leddy weighs in on the Montblanc business.

1 comment:

Marie Cloutier said...

I think he'd have a fountain pen and write in Moleskine notebooks.