Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Madame Proust again

A link to a talk given by the author of Madame Proust.

Hope she comes to the Boston area. After all, isn't it the hub of the universe? Films like "Gone, Baby, Gone," reviewed in today's Globe, would have us believe Boston is the little tight-knit place, corrupt and incestuous, a place where a local dare not get too big for his britches. (Interesting old expression). Think Whitey Bulger.

But we have rambled far from Proust. On the other hand, the Vinteuil's little clan, with it's rules and loyalties, isn't so different from Southie. A great writer always expresses universal truths in the particular, and the more particular, then the more universal. I am not comparing Dennis Lehane to Proust, but any good writer can paint a scene and characters such that we recognize it immediately, by relating it to our own experiences. Growing up, coming of age, the old neighborhood, enough meat for an infinite number of novels.

Back to my HTML studies.



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