Saturday, March 03, 2012

Fabulous Proust Quotes

Marcel Proust is eminently quotable, and here is a blog that assembled a big bouquet of quotes for your enjoyment and even edification.

My Proust reading hours have fallen due to being super busy on those New Year's Resolutions, a new book club, a new novel I've started, and polishing up a newly finished novel. Two dinner parties! Life is a whirlwind chez Odette, and we wish it would slow down a bit. Several writing events, and one coming up in April. Another public reading (eek!) in March.

I'll wander back to Proust soon. He always inspires. Here are the quotes. Quintessence


1 comment:

josep maria said...

I also love Proust and I will follow attentivly this blog. Though I have the English translations, the Spanish, and read slowly the original, I have chosen two of the few appointments that I have hung on my blog. I spend them here in translation to the Spanish but with a translator of the network there will be no problem to locate them. And congratulations for this magnificent blog. Proust would be delighted
Sincerely yours

Pues todo ha de retornar, como está escrito en las bóvedas de San Marco y como lo proclaman, bebiendo en las urnas de mármol y de jaspe de los capiteles bizantinos, los pájaros que significan a la vez la muerte y la resurrección.
Respiramos un aire nuevo, precisamente porque es un aire que hemos respirado antes, ese aire más puro que los poetas han intentado en vano hacer reinar en el paraíso, y que no podría dar esta sensación profunda de renovación si no hubiera sido respirado anteriormente, pues los verdaderos paraísos son los paraísos perdidos.