Sunday, May 03, 2009

The oral Proust

Alan Rickman reads Proust.

Thanks to blogger Austintacious. Nice pun, what?

Hmmm. I wasn't able to open the link. Here's the direct link:


Ann ODyne said...

Mr. Rickman could read the phonebook and it would sound good.
I just love him.
Great noir he made with Emma Thompson 'Judas Kiss' recommended.

Ann ODyne said...

Please forgive me if you have posted on this and I missed it, but I see from my favourite ref site that 2008 gave us a doco titled 'Proust' where 21 people answer the question "what gives you perfect happiness"

I put 'proust' into the searchbox and discovered lots of cute stuff:

Quotes for
Marcel Proust (Character)
from 102 Boulevard Haussmann (1990) (TV)

Marcel Proust: I apologize for the lift. It dates from the period before lifts were invented.

Marie Cloutier said...

I left you two awards here: